Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)


Jassa became an ambassador for Child Poverty Action Group in 2013 after attending an event at the House of Lords. The evening, hosted by fellow ambassador Simon Callow, explored the parallels that exist between the life and works of Charles Dickens and the activities of CPAG.

"Until that evening I must admit I had a very limited understanding of child poverty. I had no idea that one in four children in the UK grows up in poverty. I had no idea that families with two working parents could fall below the poverty line. I also had no idea that charities weren't all frontline organisations."


"CPAG works to eliminate child poverty by developing and campaigning for policy solutions. Their work is not obviously visible. But it's impact is profound."

CPAG successfully led lobbying by a coalition of charities to secure £850m for childcare help in Universal Credit for low income families. They have successfully challenged the Government’s plans to scrap funding for local welfare assistance schemes. They also won a legal challenge to the impact of the Bedroom Tax on families with severely disabled children.

"CPAG's work not only helps those enduring hardship, they create lasting change. Fuelled by their vision of a poverty free society, they work towards ensuring every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. That's why I am so proud to be an ambassador."

Please consider a monthly £3.90 donation. Regular donations provide CPAG with a predictable income, allowing them to plan ahead and help more children living in poverty. £3.90/month enables CPAG to continue challenging harmful legislation. It also keeps their free advice service up and running.

In September 2018 Jassa completed a solo trek of the 96 mile West Highland Way in support of CPAG, raising over £2000. Click here to find out more.

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10% of all profits from the Both Not Half merch store are donated CPAG.