Ancient Giants premieres at Kendal Mountain Festival


On Friday 15th November, documentary short film Ancient Giants premiered at Kendal Mountain Festival.

The film was produced by Jassa, alongside director Zak Bentley and adventurer Waldo Etherington.


The documentary features Zak, Waldo and Ian Geddes, recounting their ill-fated 2012 expedition to northern Patagonia, in search of one of the oldest living trees on Earth. As the film unfolds, the three explorers reflect on their discoveries and what it means for the future of rainforests.

“My hope is that Ancient Giants provokes questions and curiosity. Is sustainable forestry really sustainable? Are we reforesting or simply planting trees, creating monocultures that are devoid of life? What can we do to change the future?” - Zak Bentley

Kendal Mountain Festival was established in October 1980 and has grown to become a highly respected international mountain, film and adventure festival.